Back to blog Rochelle WilsonDecember 2, 2020 Rochelle Wilson is an online coach helping clients in training and nutrition. She began her fitness journey at a young age doing competitive swimming which involved swimming 4 hours a day - up to 65km a week, along with 3 gym sessions a week! Her journey to date hasn't just been about fitness and she is also very focused on healing. Share Share Link Close share Copy link Back to blog Rochelle Wilson is an online coach helping clients in training and nutrition. She began her fitness journey at a young age doing competitive swimming which involved swimming up to 65km a week a week! Her journey to date hasn't just been about fitness and she is also very focused on healing. "I set myself free from an eating disorder, depression, trauma & anxiety by digging deep & healing the girl inside. By following my passion with whole foods & strength training I was able to put the pieces back together - better than before. Once you work out what’s going on - on the inside, that’s where the real transformation begins. Your fitness & physique is a bonus. I love encouraging my clients to look past their exterior & look within. I believe my past of distorted eating & body image allows me to help & encourage others to transform their mind & body. I always wished I had someone guiding me through what I went through but it fulfils me knowing I’m that person now for someone else." Back to blog