Bec Johnson
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Bec Johnson

Bec Johnson is a personal trainer, online coach and sports nutritionist. She started her professional journey into the fitness world while she was studying counselling and realised there was a massive connection with mental health & active living. 
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Bec Johnson is a personal trainer, online coach and sports nutritionist. She started her professional journey into the fitness world while studying counselling and realised that there was a massive connection between mental health & active living. 

Bec has since combined her love for helping others thrive and grow on both the inside and out, and has built her own business called ‘The Body Empowerment and Coaching Project’. Bec has also been a bikini competitor with the last 5 years. 

"I personally LOVE the process of competition prep and pushing myself to my own limits. I have an all or nothing approach and I'm even known for the saying ‘Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop’"

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